Trump: IG report wrong, ‘scum on top’ at FBI



Trump: IG report wrong, 'scum on top' at FBI

President Trump on Friday declared that the conclusion of a report by the Justice Department’s internal watchdog was “wrong,” insisting that it showed that top FBI officials acted with political bias against him.

“The end result was wrong. I mean, there was total bias,” Trump said in an interview from the White House lawn with “Fox & Friends,” pointing to text messages from FBI official Peter Strzok disclosed in the report.

The report by the Justice Department’s inspector general “was a horror show,” Trump said, and its conclusion “was ridiculous.”

The president had sought to distance himself from the FBI under Comey, and said that he would win a poll of the “real FBI” — “not the scum on top.”

“If you took a poll at the FBI, [I would win],” Trump said. “I mean the real FBI, not the scum on top.”

The president also said the report “totally exonerates” him of any wrongdoing.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.