Trump memeCoin launches ~ JD Vance “jokes” about not attending the inauguration ~ things continue to build up quickly




I tried something out. I always write my own headlines and insights on my website. Earlier today I let AI do it, which was full of attention-grabbing words – something I don’t do. My viewership numbers went up – noticeably. Not sure what to do about this as I prefer to be ME – authentic – but me being ME is not getting my work and messages – my words – out there because the AI and algo’s find them, what, boring? Or maybe we all do function like squirrels and puppies – easily distracted by shiny pretty objects that get our attention?






Only members of Congress and Senate allowed in.  No parade.  No ceremony.  All indoors….



US Debt Clock Secret Window – interesting locations of the white circle objects – representing Light?



I have not been able to vet the arrival of the ICC and NATO:






I do remember that…………I remember his sons had tears in their eyes…….I wondered if that is when he went full-on “insulated” and has remained since……..I remember to tell myself this is a MILITARY Op – not about Trump or anyone else – and it is possible we are literally seeing all actors including T – so even the inauguration will be another “movie scene”…….or not………..just feel something is “off” about this – although how many times have I/we been disappointed after these “senses” come and then leave us with nothing tangible to tie them into.  Yet………More SHUTDOWN/1o days dark vibes:



Why make a joke like that?  Given who we know about him – how he suddenly grew several inches (took google awhile to catch up w/that one) – this is another one giving me the “hmmmm” feeeeeeeeel:



all of those stands and seating – which he says is still being set up – will be taken down on Tuesday…………


Truck drives into the Potomac and the Inauguration moves indoors



T’s senior advisor:


The timing…………..










Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.