Trump on measles vaccination: ‘They have to get the shot’….and other headlines on the current vaccine insanity


ok guys and gals ~ i don’t know what POTUS means by this.  some say he’s trolling the media – getting the left masses to investigate the issue as they think everything he says is fake/false/a lie.  some say he’s showing his true colors. i am linking a page that shows a collection of his tweets on the issue over the years.  one thing i and so many of you and others know:  the term “safe vaccines” is an oxymoron.  we do not need vaccinations.  period.  (dr. dale brown is just one of the many many health care practitioner hero’s on this one) vaccines are just another arm on the octopus of control put there by the controllers……i’m frankly too dang tired to dive into this and feel into it much.  the insanity of the issue though has reached a critical point where individual freedom’s are being grossly violated and people are fighting back .  mandated vaccinations being pushed through a growing number of states.  this is going to fought in the courts.  and it has to be soon – asap – immediately – for people in new york (as you will see below) are already being fined.  and now that they’re targeting our children, they are focused on targeting the adults.  


 / Updated 
By Dartunorro Clark

President Donald Trump on Friday urged parents to get their children vaccinated after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced this week that measles cases had reached a record high since the disease was declared eliminated in 2000.

“They have to get the shot. The vaccinations are so important,” Trump said outside the White House on his way to Indianapolis to address the NRA. “This is really going around now, they have to get their shot.”




By Haroon Janjua

ISLAMABAD — Two gunmen on motorcycle shot and killed a polio vaccinator in the southwestern Pakistani city of Chaman on Thursday, bringing the death toll among vaccinators working in the country’s anti-polio drive to at least three this week, officials said.

The shooters opened fire on a group of vaccinators when they were at the front gate of a house in the remote village of Sultan Zai, near the border with Afghanistan, said Samiullah Agha, who is the assistant commissioner of Chaman.

Two members of the vaccination team were hit: Nasreen Bibi, 35, was killed, and Rashida Afzal, 24, was critically wounded, Mr. Agha said in an interview. Vaccination was suspended for an indeterminate period of time in the Chaman area after the shooting.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.