Trump pardons ranchers whose arrests led to armed occupation of wildlife refuge Andrew O'Reilly


Editor’s note:  U1 (uranium).  Interesting timing considering his meeting w/Putin later this week whereby, allegedly, they will be discussing the U1 issue.


By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News

President Trump on Tuesday pardoned the father and son ranchers from Oregon whose imprisonment for setting fires on federal land sparked a 41-day takeover of a wildlife refuge in the state.

Trump signed the order granting clemency to 76-year-old Dwight Hammond and his son, Steven Hammond, 49, who were convicted of arson in 2012 for fires that burned on federal land in 2001 and 2006.

Morgan Philpot, an attorney for the Hammonds, confirmed to Fox News that his clients were released from a federal detention center south of Los Angeles Tuesday afternoon.

n a statement, the Hammond family said they were “grateful to the president and all who worked to make this possible, and to bring this about … We are very anxiously looking forward to seeing Dwight and Steven home.”

Though they served their original sentences for the conviction — Dwight serving three months, Steven serving one year — an appellate judge ruled in 2015 that the terms were too short under federal minimum sentencing laws and the Hammonds were resentenced to serve the mandatory minimum. This decision led to the 2016 protests.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.