UPDATE (and a theory) on the Military “drill” in LA ~ Seal Team 6 or Delta Forces


editor victoria’s comment ~ my mate (former military) and i postulated that the Wells Fargo outage today is directly tied to the ops that went down in LA on Monday.  watching the video footage you can see that one of the buildings in the vicinity is Wells Fargo.  if they took servers, that would explain the outages today (which definitely were not caused by smoke – banks have numerous back-up/fail safe protocols in place for such events).

also noticed in this video there was some large white box in the street, behind the black hawk that disappears as quickly as it appears.  it wasn’t garbage as the wind from the rotor’s would have blown it away.  just another crumb to chew on….

UPDATE:  getting more info from the woman who did the video below.  she said that this is also the vicinity of the PG&E lawyers…..aaaaand someone else said the Guatemalan Cultural Center is likely a front (shell) company. when i looked into it last night i noticed the place has no website and hardly anything on the net.  



Published on Feb 7, 2019

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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