

Editor’s note:  I was called to read this.  I appreciate that I did.  Lately I began to feel an inner switch within that reminded me I Am is what is Abundant.  (I also remain passionate about seeing abundance for all of pure heart ~ in whatever form he/she desires.)  



by Jeanie, published on March 22, 2018


     I feel infinitely wealthy! My cup overflows, my bounty runs over!
      I am bursting at the seams with excitement!
     I have become VERY CLEAR about TRUE ABUNDANCE of life! It has always been there. I see that now. I see how I have known it as LOVE!
     LOVE IS.  Sometimes I knew it and felt it, other times I feared and kept myself from experiencing it. In those moments that I felt fear, I experienced things I didn’t like. When I trust that I am safe, all is well. Even better now, I know that the most DELIGHTFUL things happen when I am APPRECIATING LIFE NOW!
     As a single mother I struggled financially, and at times was blessed. I see how my thoughts and feelings played into what happened! From my perspective,I held many beliefs about money that didn’t serve me, or anyone I knew.
     For a time,  I believed that it was Godly to be poor. (I heard  it in a sermon somewhere ). I suppose on the flip side of that is a belief that, only bad people have lots of money. I can see how society supports that belief.
     As I said, money has been a thing I’ve not had a lot of. The funny thing is that we’ve always been taken care of. Somehow, someway, it always works out! I do my best to take care of me and mine, and there is always enough. I have pursued many things in an attempt to create more abundance for my family. I have educated myself, I have worked, learned,invested, and given. I keep giving and it keeps flowing through!  LOVE IS the TRUE CURRENCY in my life! I trust that no matter how financially wealthy I may become, it will pale in comparison to who I am and the love I flow in my experience! I FEEL like the WEALTHIEST ONE ever! I am Feeling the BLISS of unconditional LOVE and seeing the fruit of it in my life! The more money I get, the more money I share and I am having so much FUN DOING it! That’s the key –FUN! The more fun I have, the more there is to have! Now that I am KNOWING MY WORTH and FEELING at EASE BEING MYSELF, the more LOVE I AM ALLOWING In all ways!
     One of my favorite ways is SYNCHRONICITY. I was glowing in appreciation for time spent with family,  and how HAPPY I am to be able to GIVE! I felt moved to pick up a book I had just purchased, I opened it up and the number of the story was significant. I read the message and LAUGHED OUT LOUD at the confirmation it gave me! I know now that what comes financially, or otherwise,  Is going to change me for the better. LIFE IS SO  GOOD!
Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.