Weird Weather – part of the “silent war”??


our forecast had been for rain….

instead we had strong winds all night.  today – that continues.  sun.  and much to our surprise – light flecks of snow.  and it’s in the upper 40’s.

we were heavily sprayed yesterday and within hours, the air became very chilled (after a few days near 60).  i recalled the words of SB2 and some others who said the chemtrail program is now under WH control and what we see is healing us and the planet.

i’m not feeling that.  perhaps that “some day soon” scenario – but for now, no.

we are also having unwanted dreams and unwanted dimensional beings visiting.  all of us went to bed much earlier than normal – and for my mate and i this was after we had a 45 minute nap after dinner.  absolutely spent at the moment – after feeling a nice lift.

i continue to intend what i want…need….desire.  use the tools, the resins, sage, etc.  and i will continue on for as we read this is a silent war – but a war nonetheless.  outside “may” be over – but it continues inside.  apparently.  i don’t consent to it – but i do consent to the end of the games of deception and enslavement that have been played out here.  so i do what i can to assist.

for now – it is a down day of rest and finding peace.





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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.