We’ve been “looped” again….


Ok – this recent experience I shared – 2 days ago – about my mate and I each having very powerful deja-vu experiences where we both KNEW we had already done this…..  I have had several people contact me telling me they had the same experience.

A bit ago, my girl asked what a “Vah” is – then she reminded me of what President Trump said about receiving a “Vahs” from Kim Jong Un for Christmas.  She said he said this in 2019.  No, I said – that was 2018.  No way did that just happen 5 months ago.

She was correct.  I looked up the article on my site and sure enough – I shared it on January 2, 2020.

W T A F??

In my body – this happened far more than a year ago.

Why is this still happening?

Why do I feel the reality I continue to desire to see for myself gets pushed out and pushed out – or when something does manifest it doesn’t align w/a thing I saw or felt.

What can I trust?

Seriously – I want to know – WHAT and WHO can I trust?

Whoever has the Truth isn’t sharing it.

Feels like we are on a very loooooooooooooong time experience now.  And yet then again tomorrow we may suddenly be on a very fast space.  Back and forth we fight with the Invisible Enemy.  We don’t know their names.  We don’t know their numbers.  But we know who they are – and they gotta go.

That is all for now.



p.s. ~ a note of interest – it seems in the past 2 weeks many of us (females so far) have had dreams of JFK Jr – often in a role of comfort/reassurance….



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.