What is up with the energies right now?


editor victoria’s comment ~ i tend to push myself – too much at times.  i know this and i know what i need to do – chill.  relax.  be.  R E S T.  let little insignificant things go.  trust the process.  i am suddenly very tired and i have been quite irritable for some time now.  tonight i found peace for awhile in quietly playing the piano – perhaps ignoring some family issues i likely “should” have been tending to but chose not to.  drama and i just do. not. mix.  was a bit of a universal bliss kiss reading the statements/shares below to validate what i am feeling now.  and yes – i did take note of and appreciate the time in the first one below.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


There are powerful Waves of exceptional purity coming through Earth’s Polar Magnetic Field.

These Waves are persisting with nearly perfect pitch and have been linked to “tearing instabilities” and explosions in Earth Magnetic Field are actually the incoming Angelic Frequencies and the incoming Diamond Light Codes surrounding us.

The Crown of Gold is fully activated, surrounding our head with the Golden Light.

These frequencies are so high that our brain slips into Theta and Delta and we just might want to sleep all the time.

These are New Timelines and New Opportunities… WE are full steam ahead to the New Earth.



Kp Message 11-28-18… “Feeling Extremely Energetically Challenged Today”

This is a short note… I’m feeling very “challenged” energetically today. Very body-tired, tough to stay awake, small items feel irritating, and stuff like that.

I really don’t care what is “causing” all of this, but I amreporting it.

One part of “moving through this phase energetically”, in my view, is just releasing the hold on anything that may be getting in the way of that energetic movement… and that includes “having to understand (or explain) it all”.

So that’s what I’m doing (not doing… whatever).

Aloha, Kp

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.