What’s Going On In Antarctica?

Editor’s note:  Heads of State, including the Pope, have been reported to be visiting Antarctica in droves lately.  Why?  Many questions needing to be answered.  

By David Robinson

On November 12, 2016 we reported the John Kerry 11-11-2016 trip to Antarctica by discussing the “Antarctic Ban” for another 35 years followed up with our report about the strange blue lights in the sky during the 7.8M earthquake in New Zealand and the blue/greenish UFO-like object that appeared over Perth, Australia, several hours after the New Zealand’s earthquake happened.


Now it appears that John Kerry’s visit to Antarctica was not only intended to the new ‘Antarctic Ban’ agreement, but that the primary reason of John Kerry’s visit was to initiate contact with the Antarctica “Guardians”.

After reading the following report it becomes clear that the strange blue light in the sky over Wellington, in New Zealand, has apparently been caused by these “Antarctica Beings”.


Image left: UFO-like object which shows a face inside the object.

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.