What’s this deal w/Gone With The Wind? “There are no coincidences.”


We know President John Kennedy is said to have spoke of splintering the CIA into 1000 pieces and scattering it to the wind – which is why Bush Sr (who was the one to pull the trigger) poked back in his demented way when he spoke of 1000 points of light.

So the past day or two there has been talk of the movie  “Gone With The Wind”.  Here is what I saw tonight:

Trump bemoans South Korean film’s historic Oscars win: ‘Can we get Gone With the Wind back?’

Now it that isn’t interesting enough.  As I shared this intel w/my mate he informed me that he had watched a youtube video earlier this evening about the top grossing films of all time.  Gone With The Wind was #1 he learned.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.