What’s up with the sun?


I saw this earlier tonight:

Our Ozone Layer is being removed. UVC radiation is ground level????! 🌞
UVC radiation is a detoxifier, a germ killer and a mutating wavelength!
Someone commented that her mother cares for agriculture and has noticing plants are burning.
Here is our personal experience and we’ve noticed it – slowly – over the last few years.  But now – whatever is happening is happening in the winter and early spring.  We have a tropical palm tree that typically loves the sun.  But now – many of the leaves that get the most sun are burned.  We also have some cedar trees and the 2-3 that receive the most sun are, and I am not exagerrating, 2/3 burned.
So something’s up.  Is it changing these vessels?  Is it a benevolent or otherwise agenda?  Why are some plants being fried in some areas and say down the street or next door – nothing weird is happening.
As I say pretty much most of the time these days:  I don’t know.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “What’s up with the sun?”

  1. I honestly don’t know how we’re all walking around. The Divine Human Body and Divine Living Things are truly amazing. How long can we sustain all of this poison, the toxins, the attacks? We’re living under a fake sun, so it’s a mystery to me how we or any plants, animals, birds, sea life, insects, etc. are even surviving!

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