Words of Empowerment



While I am not a fan of those who pushed the L of A ~ I do seeeeeeeeeeeee how feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling into what I desire DOES give it power.  My feeeeeeeeeeel for awhile now has been the Universe (REAL Universe) and our connection is based on feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels – not words.  It’s like solidifying the connection.  Tapping in to it.  And yes – enough of us focused together on the same vision and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of it gives it “power”.  Obviously I realize there is a counter energy/program here to resist that – but persistence from the Heart, I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel, is the ultimate power of Us.  Recent example:  Prayer request I put out asking for certain states of being in the house – worked.  It’s like a radio station dial – keep it tuned to the inner frequency you wish to hold and keep it there (that is where the persistence part comes in because of where we are/the design of this space, personal challenges, trauma’s, etc.)  Love, V.


From The Intenders February 2023 Newsletter……

Merlin Tells Arthur the True Secret to Manifesting

A: “Is there anything you can’t manifest, Merlin?”
M: “I can precipitate anything I can picture in my mind, Arthur. So, yes, there isn’t anything I can envision that I can’t precipitate. It’s just that there are some things I wouldn’t want to be precipitating.”

A: “Such as?”

M: “I don’t precipitate anything that doesn’t feel good to me, Laddie. In point of fact, my feelings have considerably more to do with my precipitations than I’ve told you.”

A: “Can you elaborate for me? We’ve spent most of our lessons on the mental part of the Law of Precipitation, but you’ve rarely mentioned how our feelings come into play.”

M: “I’m so glad you’re interested in this, Arthur, because our feelings have a great deal more to do with precipitating things than people realize. In fact, many people skip over this most important aspect of manifesting.”

A: “ Please go on.” (Arthur is keyed into Merlin’s every word).

M: “Most schools emphasize holding your mind fixedly on the object or event you’re looking to precipitate, but they neglect to mention holding your feelings on how you would feel in the moment immediately following the precipitation of the object or event.”

A: “I think I understand. You’re saying that in order to precipitate anything, I have to feel what it would be like after my manifestation has just happened, yes?”

M: “You’ve got it, Laddie! That’s how the masters do it.”

A: “Can you give me an example of how it’s done?”

M: “ Sure, Arthur. Let’s say that you’re intending to precipitate a new computer. First, you’d picture or envision the most exact image of the computer you’re wanting, and perhaps even see yourself sitting at your desk with your brand new computer in front of you, working to perfection. Then, second, you’d take another moment to be quiet and conjure up the feeling of what it will be like when your computer has just arrived. In other words, Laddie, you ‘feel as if’’ your new computer has already manifested for you. You feel the joy and satisfaction of already having a fancy new computer on your desk.”

A: “Is that all there is to it?”

M: “Not quite, Arthur. It may take some practice on your part. You see, the better you get at ‘feeling as if’, the quicker and easier your precipitations will appear. When I first started learning this principle, I wasn’t very successful until I was able to completely surround myself with the feelings of joy, in advance, of my object or event having already precipitated. I literally bathed myself in those feelings!”

A: “Now it’s all coming clear. The better I get at envisioning and, at the same time, ‘feeling as if’ my precipitation has already happened, the faster it will manifest.”

M: “Precisely! Indeed, the time will come when you’ll get so good at precipitating whatever you want that your intentions will precipitate instantly.”

A: “Wow! That’s exciting, Merlin. I can’t wait!”

M: “Good for you, Laddie! Now all you have to do is practice. The more proficient you become at simultaneously picturing and feeling the end result from the very beginning, the quicker your precipitations will appear right before your eyes.”

What if enough people were to envision peace,
and, at the same time,
they were to feel the peace they’re seeking, deep within?
You would be at peace.
Your world would be at peace.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.