editor’s note: I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO ready to actually have “normal” skies that allow me TO see such objects. we have had smoky skies. hazy skies. chemtrail laden skies. and some days just pure white milky crap. Power Being Me commands clear skies ~ and to SEE the realities of ALL that has been hidden. as the lyrics in this song go “i haven’t seen the sun in days”… i’m effing tired of their agendas ~ their DEW shit ~ their controlled weather manipulation crap that has lead to most of these fires and earthquakes and all that is NOT balanced. a true, organic Realm that is created with Love doesn’t have weather and nature conditions such as this. Life is not destructive. The Universe is not destructive. Life and the Universe is naturally supportive. only dark, evil energies put out by dark, evil entities create in this manner. this is all destructive, intentionally created mayhem and i say IT ENDS NOW.
Published on Aug 14, 2018