editor’s note: you may wish to read through some of the comments found in the original link to the video to get a better gist of this one and where this is all headed. here is my understanding: politically/socially speaking, Trump is creating the stage for those choosing to head west after our exit. (Rose has continually said all exit, some head east, some west). the west will have a totally new slate ~ new form of government, new $$ system, likely the new tech, etc. whether he is consciously aware of this or not, this is his role according to Rose. and i have to say as i said these words aloud to my mate, i got chills all over. those going east go home, home world. no money systems. no control systems of any kind. no governments. inner tech. etc. i still see ALL “getting out” ~ ALL exiting the virus of the matrix ~ and all experiencing the reality of their choosing, which explains, to me why some are intensely focused on trump cleaning things up, bringing in things like the RV, debt relief, $$ reset and the like and others are just ~ or more ~ focused on going HOME. there really does feeeeeeeeeeeeel and seem (see) like 2 different realities are being created. anyway….rose says she is only able to upload about 5 minutes worth of content so she is working on a longer piece (which she may have to break up??) to explain further the words/images of this video. in a nutshell, the exit is much closer than we realize.
Published on Aug 18, 2018
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[wpedon id=”208″ align=”left”]
I loved the dance at the end. For some reason made me cry.
But what doesn’t these days…lmao
I am too old(in soul years) to stick around to head west.
I was just in Down East Maine…need I say more
see you in the east.
Thanks for this info. Makes more sense than having one ascended earth split from the “bad” earth with nightmare scenarios.
if i recall correctly, rose says those who wanted the destructive end times scenario will get it. (while all of the innocent – awakened or not – are the ones getting out.)